It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1 NIV)
Forward Friday! This weekend marks time to move our clocks forward. Excitement is in the air. Winter has been long for many of us. Spring represents a time of new birth. What once looked dead is new with life. While lilies prepare to bloom, dormant trees will cover our landscapes with fresh green leaves and new buds. Bears and other animals come out of hibernation. Time to awaken.
I became aware of California’s Correctional Women’s facility, when a friend from Mt. Hermon began sharing this blog with them. One particular resident began a prayer group spreading from one table to three tables full of ladies. Another resident helped facilitate Bible studies where numbers grew to 75+ women completing various Beth Moore Bible studies. Two local churches supply materials. The churches have the ability to do so from their faithful members. See how many individuals have been part of this experience. The main point…these ladies are imprisoned, yet faced their bondage learning to break free.
Millions walk this earth free, living in bondage. Unrepentant sin is bondage. If a person knows what they’re doing is wrong, yet keeps doing it anyway…this person is in bondage to sin. Just because our consciousness goes numb, does not make a sin- no longer a sin. Jesus is the Word of life. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just like the imprisoned ladies, we have to face the cause of our bondage.
Break free
It’s time to break free. It was for freedom, Christ has set us free. Through Christ, the forgiveness of our sins, asking Him to be Savior, and acknowledging Him Lord of our life, we can be free. Through this transformation, God’s power is capable of breaking all chains of bondage. Our will must submit under God’s authority. When we ask Jesus for His help, He will be faithful. As our eyes remain on Christ, we gain strength to stand, stand strong. Do not be burdened back into slavery. Jesus died on the cross, He paid all our debt so we can walk free.
Are you ready to walk in freedom today? Spring forth with a new perk in your step. Replace old stench with a sweet fragrance flowing from the inside out. Representing time spent with Christ. Filling ourselves full of His wisdom, His knowledge, His understanding, and His love. It’s all possible through Christ to those who believe.
Be encouraged!
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