Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws…My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end. (Psalm 119: 105, 106, 112 NIV)
Graduations are happening around our country. Businesses thrive or dive. Individuals face decisions all the time. Each year our high school produces one last newspaper showcasing all universities and plans of the senior class. I’m intrigued as schools are recognized across the country. Many others face entering the workforce or changing jobs. How do individuals make decisions like they do? My hearts goes out to all who struggle making decisions.
Poor Decisions
I assure you, my poor decisions cost me a few years being equipped for my calling. I knew God was leading me to a different university than I attended. We even visited the ‘divine’ university where I believe my purpose would have been revealed. Maybe, I would have considered journalism? Funny, one of my college roommates did major in journalism. It never entered my mind, I was meant to write. I am thankful for several friends. However, I grieve poor choices. Then…when I returned to God’s will, He sent me back to school, earning a teaching degree. Romans 8:28, all things work together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
God redeems
God will redeem all poor decisions. We come to the point of surrender, where decisions are made to follow God’s light. This light is not directed towards our desires, it is directed to God’s plan. We wonder and ponder…time spent in doubt, frustration, confusion, addiction, pity parties…anything to distract us from making sound decisions to follow God’s will. It can be right out of high school or twenty/forty years down the road. It’s honestly not hard to figure out. He gives us a lamp! He provides light to our path. Any time in my life, when decisions were made to let go and trust God’s path, His light shown. For no reason, except God’s favor, I ended up with a close parking pass for the first year going back for my teaching degree. God is so patient and then like a proud Father when we finally surrender to His will. He knows our name. He knew how I love to find close parking spots. He knows exactly what you love too.
Trust Jesus
Whatever decisions you face making today…trust Jesus to be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. It all begins…with God’s Word. Trust this verse today, begin to read your own Bible. If you do not have one, please stop by most churches. Contact me, I will mail you one.
May this song minister to your heart. I first heard after attending my first writer’s conference. Be encouraged!
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