Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Quick, get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists. (Acts 12:7 NIV)
King Herod persecuted Christians. Seizing Peter had been a lofty achievement. Peter, guarded by four squads of four soldiers each, was a bit extreme with a 16:1 ratio. Then again, 3,000 converts the Day of Pentecost was fresh on King Herod’s mind. To natural eyes, satan’s counterfeit portrays Peter’s situation as impossible. Peter was in prison, yet his church earnestly prayed to God for him.
Satan’s Counterfeit
Prison does not always look like solitude confinement enclosed by bars. Anytime satan’s counterfeit material becomes accepted as truth, invisible bars surround. More Biblical truth is spoken against, satan’s counterfeit gains strength- bars tighten. Satan’s counterfeit is God’s Word mocked for deception. Taking scripture and altering it enough to accept sin as truth. God’s Word is power to live victorious. Satan’s counterfeit is perceived truth that entangles and defeats.
When two or more gather in God’s name, there He will be also. When God’s people gather to pray intercession over a situation, we can expect God to move. A powerful movement happening in our country now praying with Anne Graham Lotz. Prayer groups around the world praying for local needs. There is power in unity. Satan’s counterfeit is discord and strife destroying peace.
Are you surprised when God answers prayer? Peter’s prayer partners thought their servant girl, Rhoda was out of her mind. Her insistence as she announced Peter’s arrival, left them thinking he must be an angel. We can be so funny. God is able and more than willing to move on our behalf, especially when He has recorded our faithful dedication. When prison walls are felt closing in, ask for prayer. Let prayer partners move God on your behalf to see chains fall from wrist. Walking in freedom never needs to be taken for granted. Walking in freedom is meant for every individual. What God does for one, He will do for another. Forward Friday! Moving forward towards a wonderful Sunday service. Hope we all walk in freedom, experiencing a new level of worship.
Be encouraged!
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