Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:16,17 ESV)
Yesterday, I watched my daughter’s heart during an eco cardiogram. Hopefully, will prove to be a precautionary measure taken. An eleven year old’s heart so tender and pure, truth for every heart. The organ seen with valves all working pumping blood in and out. And…I began to think how profound the beat of our heart determines life or death.
Is life taken for granted? Truth no longer valued, dismissing importance of life decisions. It seems a mass movement within the church, value being a Christian- minus Biblical truth to conflict with individual ideologies. The power of self within is a force that is difficult to discipline into alignment with God’s Word. To honor God’s commands, our own ideologies have to submit to Biblical truth.
Satan wants us to wander from truth. Empowering to believe God’s Word is irrelevant. By doing this, consciences ease into justifying sin. Deeper into sin, less The Holy Spirit’s nudge is felt. Soon to be given over to sin. The cartoon caricature of the angel and devil sitting on our shoulders is a good illustration how each are vying for our attention. One representing life and the other death. It’s our choice which direction we go.
Sin is something we all deal with. No one is perfect. Yet, when attempting to honor God’s commands, inner changes occur receiving more of God and less of ourselves. Seeking more of Jesus, less of self. We desire to move towards holiness, honoring God’s desire for us to be holy, because He is holy. This change is a beautiful transformation. What God has waiting while we work into alignment- is astounding. It’s more than our minds can imagine, until we’re in awe filled with gratitude.
Moving Forward!
It’s Forward Friday! Let’s move forward opening our minds to more of Jesus. Take time to seek Him, surrendering self to God’s plan. What our finite minds think is good, will not compare to God’s best plan. Those who seek, find. Those faithful in little, will be trusted with much. Have a wonderful 4th!
Be encouraged!
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