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Faith/Hope…A Dynamic Duo, Strength for Today

Faith/Hope...A Dynamic Duo, Strength for TodayImmediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him, “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31 NIV)


Yes, Peter walked on water…full of faith, yielding to Jesus’ voice- where we want to be, supernatural happenings. Yet, most of the time, we’re like Peter with eyes drawn to the wind, becoming fearful and sinking. Mountain top experiences and low valley times, each hold valuable lessons. Faith is key to maintaining higher level thinking, grasping God’s Will- His thoughts, His ways.

Little Faith

The world has a saying…fake it, till we make it. There are times when we need to grin and bear situations. We never want doubt entering the equation. Doubt sinks faith levels…leaving us with little faith. As faith weakens, doubt and fear are given room to expand. No matter how tricky situations can be, trusting God with greater faith will prove path to take. Now my two youngest are teenagers, I often reflect how faithful God has been to my oldest child. I’m confident faith/hope is a powerful duo to keep close, ingrained into our personal DNA.


It’s good to note- even when Jesus felt Peter had little faith, He kept Peter from sinking. Jesus was none too happy with Peter doubting, even James addresses in James 1- doubting is like waves tossed in the ocean. If ever having jumped ocean waves, pulled in and out, following the tide…we’re left exhausted. The same when doubt/fear squeezes out faith/hope.


Life concerns happen…wanting to speak our minds, not smart to do. The Lord knows…I’ve had my share of humble pie…and after a while, a bitter taste leaves us wanting no more. We either humble ourselves or be humbled. Choosing God or not…God is Sovereignty over all things, including you and me. Today, let’s mark a new beginning to trust Jesus more, building faith…those faithful in little, will be trusted with much. Now, this is exciting!

Be encouraged!


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