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Above All…Guard Hearts, Take Serious

Above All...Guard Hearts, Take SeriousAbove all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left, keep your foot from evil. (Proverbs 4:23-27 NIV)

Motivating Monday! 

Happy fasting for all who have began the 21 day fast, many churches are involved nation-wide. God honors honest fasting like no other, in my personal opinion. When God sees our willingness to sacrifice flesh desires(food) to focus on Jesus, strengthening control over the flesh…our strength comes for God’s Word. It’s like food for our souls. I’ve had successful fasts, and I’ve had unsuccessful fasts. If first time- do as God has directed you, yet, I advise success in small steps, better than defeat. Keep eyes on Jesus, and trust His Word- every Word. When Scripture states- above all, this is important to grasp.

Above All

Above all- guard your heart, for it’s the wellspring of life. Not only guard hearts, we need to guard our minds, too. If this means to walk out of a church service, then walk out. We cannot allow ourselves to hear false teaching, where Scripture is dismissed, and congregation is misled about what Jesus calls sin. Take today’s movement saying…Jesus had anxiety. The devil has intertwined so many people with anxiety, there is a false teaching that Jesus battled anxiety, too. No where in the Bible does this prove true. It’s a case of individuals justifying circumstances in their own life. Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. This Scripture covers anything and every situation.


Yes, the devil will tempt- Don’t allow him to bind you with problems. This is why God’s Word is vital to know. In the past, not long ago, the devil tried his best to grip me with anxiety before sleep. This was a battle, yet, with God’s Word, I overcame and this problem did not take root. Remember, above all- guard our hearts. Same with the devil attacking mature foundations using young pastors to shake and rattle known Biblical Truth.


Anyone older than 40 learned securely from older pastors, how to establish faith and increase Word knowledge; including prosperity. How can anyone help the poor, orphans, and widows – or missions in other countries…if they lack funds? This is why God says in Malachi 3:10- to test Him, tithing is another principle proving to God, we are trustworthy. He says if we do- flood gates of Heaven will open and there will be so much blessing, there will not be room to store. This is God’s Word.


See the pattern why we need to know God’s Word? Today’s culture cannot be trusted for Biblical Truth. Really, truth at all. God will only allow sin to absorb a nation for so long, before His wrath appears. I’m sad for all who encourage and celebrate others’ sin. I believe this is a false showing of love. Biblical love is speaking truth in Christ’s love, turning individuals from sin. When they choose to stay in their sin, God gives them over to a depraved mind. Societal confusion is numbing multitudes, loving people right to hell. Very sad.

Good news!

Many people do repent, turning from sin. More lives are being saved. We are really seeing why God says- path to Heaven is narrow, road to destruction/hell is wide. There can be nothing on the earth more important, than sacrificing self desires, taking captive contrary thoughts, and above all- guard our hearts. What God has planned for us on earth, as well in Heaven, is worth the devotion to Truth.

Be encouraged!

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