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Spirit Produced Fruit Vs. Sinful Nature

Spirit Produced Fruit Vs. Sinful NatureThose who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. (Galatians 5: 24-26 NIV)

Longer Daylight Hours!

Motivating Monday! Losing the hour and gaining longer daylight hours is always a winning trade-off. Crucifying sinful nature is a win down deep in our soul. Internal changes activate new passions and desires, revealing new world we live in opposed to sinful nature. Once we surrender, offering our heart to Christ, asking Jesus to be our Savior, The Holy Spirit enters our being. God gave His one and only Son as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Jesus introduced The Holy Spirit to his disciples as He prepared for his final days on earth.


God shared two amazing gifts with mankind. Jesus set examples of Christ-like actions and taught in parables easy for all to understand. The Holy Spirit lives within each believer to help, comfort, teach, and counsel; He is the Spirit of Truth. We’re to keep in step with the Spirit, yet- how? We learn through spiritual journeys- each unique to our purpose in life, adapting the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22 The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 


It’s a journey, because not one of these will happen over night. Even though various fruits may come natural, God will develop deeper and richer through the fire, a refining fire. I call this time a series of character building tests. These tests continued until deep in my soul, I produced actions and reactions pleasing to Christ, aligned with Biblical Truth. The only way we can align with Biblical Truth, we study scripture- gaining wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. It’s imperative we study and learn scripture. Jesus will open our minds to understand- when asked.


Let’s stay motivated! Taking steps from where we are, will lead to deeper truths revealed. We have to be careful with all new revelation, not becoming conceited or provoking any kind of envy. With each fruit of the Spirit, once gained, a fresh fragrance is released over our life. Trading off all world notions, room is made for development of all things good, strengthening our walk with Christ. Not because we have to, because we want to.

Be encouraged!

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