Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1 NIV)
Test Spirits
We have discussed this week how God offers a free gift of righteousness and not to be deceived by false spirits for God is the giver of good and perfect gifts. Today, we will look how to test spirits. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we study the Word of God, attend Bible studies, and fellowship with people of similar faith. As we go about life intertwining these aspects of spiritual growth, a natural occurrence happens. Our hearts soften to understand, knowledge grows and wisdom is gained. Satan has a counterfeit approach. Hearts will be hardened, self-absorbed knowledge stumps spiritual growth, and worldly wisdom is gained. Worldly wisdom is opposite of Godly wisdom.
True happiness
Yesterday, I walked past a sign that read, “God wants you to have a drink, he wants you happy.” Really? The joy of the Lord is our strength. True happiness is from strength we gain from having joy. The devil wants you to have a drink. He wants you to have another and another. He does not want you strong, he wants you dependent and weak. The weaker a person becomes, the stronger his grip is on that person. One sure way to escape this grip, have nothing to do with alcohol or whatever our weak area entails.
A simple test
Honestly, 1 John gives a simple plan to test spirits. Every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. However, if a spirit does not acknowledge Jesus, they are not from God. This would be the spirit of the anti-christ. We are to take this serious. We have people who will acknowledge Jesus. Yet they do not acknowledge Jesus as part of the Trinity who came in the flesh. We must be careful.
Choose Jesus
This is why we can no longer linger in murky water or be gripped by satan in a weakened state of mind. We must have clarity to test every spirit. Each person has a spirit resonating from within. We train our spirit man to obey God’s commands or follow the ways of this world. We choose Jesus or by default, satan is chosen. Who will we choose this day to serve? If you choose Jesus, then time for spiritual growth. The day has arrived to be concerned.
Be encouraged! We have a world to overcome.
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