For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2: 10 NIV)
Christ Image
A super sweet verse to begin Motivating Monday. Workmanship is defined as the degree of skill a product is made. When the Bible explains we are made in Christ’s image, then God’s workmanship in us is perfection. This cancels every negative thought or feeling we may have about ourselves. We are a product of Christ designed to be who He created us to be. I love how the book, Invisible by Ginny Yttrup, brought this very point out in one main character’s divine purpose to help others see they are a reflection of God’s image.
Good Works
We are created to do good works. This cancels out anything bad. How do you know what is bad? Read the Bible. Sins are listed in the Bible. Gossip comes to mind. I am grateful God cleansed me of this matter early in my young adult life. God the Father, teaches and disciplines because He loves us. Discipline is never a pleasant situation, yet meaningful for our future. The one who gossips, shows their own weakness. Gossip tears people down.We are not to think bad about ourselves or others. If you are a believer, you are created to do good works. Remove gossip and fill in the blank. What does God bring to your mind? He brought plenty to mine. Let’s work together to remove bad thoughts, bad mouths,bad feelings, bad actions, anything that would interfere with the good works we were created to do.
Total Surrender
God has prepared our work in advance? A-Mazing! Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind. To understand God’s plans He has for us, the answer is found in Jeremiah 29:13…You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Once we seek God in this manner, the doors will begin to open. I like how one of our pastors addressed the question of God’s will during yesterday’s service. “God’s will is not like walking on a tight rope. It is more like a river with a little more width…and if we would just surrender to this darn river, the current will take us where we are suppose to go.” How true! We try to hold on and figure out on our own, when all God wants us to do is surrender. To lay it all down at the foot of the cross. Once we achieve this level of freedom, we become empty of self to be refilled with Christ. It’s Motivating Monday! What task will you write in today’s blank calendar to begin a good work God has assigned you to do? It’s Motivating Monday!
Be encouraged!
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