“…Because you disheartened the righteous with your lies, when I had brought them no grief, and because you encouraged the wicked not to turn from their evil ways and so save their lives, therefore you will no longer see false visions or practice divination. I will save my people from your hands. And then you will know I am the Lord.” (Ezekiel 13: 22,23 NIV)
How do you like your meat…rare, medium, or well done? Today’s blog will be meat to chew as we move forward into this weekend. Time spent studying the Israelites is time invested to understand today’s times. Ezekiel was a prophet. During this chapter, he called out to foolish prophets who prophesy out of their own imagination. The Lord informed their visions were false and divinations a lie. They say, “The Lord declares,” when the Lord has not sent them. These are false prophets. They are alive and well today.
The righteous can be disheartened with lies from false prophets. This is key how people are deceived away from church. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. HIs Word does not change. Our society has changed, because people have changed. Many have bought into these lies. We have churches flipping their stance just like our Congress. Any Pastor or leader in a church who teaches out of their own imagination, is crossing the line into false teaching. It begins with justifying their own sin or a loved one’s sin from the pulpit. As with most individuals, men’s approval rates high as fear of the Lord fades. We saw this first hand in a local church we visited this past year. An escalation from pastor to congregation finally gives way into accepting sin as normal. Then people who hold true to the Bible, are in the wrong. This is the time we live in.
Israelites found themselves in exile before they regained independence. If they could share their experience, they would cry out for us to repent before it becomes worse and God’s wrath moves forward. God is a God of love. He sent Jesus, His one and only son to die on the cross for you and me. However, He is sovereign. World, we must wake from our slumber. We have to turn from our evil ways to save our lives.
Truth sets people free. Deception leads people astray. See, God did not bring grief. Beware of false teachers/false prophets. God’s Word will reveal truth. Ask Jesus to help you understand scriptures, He is faithful to help. May you find a great Bible study to join. If there is a Bible Study fellowship close by, please visit. It’s Forward Friday! Let’s move into the weekend with hearts softening, ears opening, and eyes to see.
Be encouraged!
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