Keep your lives free the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13: 5 NIV)
Black Friday is the official start to the Christmas season. Advertisements have almost skipped over Thanksgiving with introduction into all the Christmas savings we can obtain. With many stores opening at 8pm, I believe more to seek savings. David and I ventured out to a bit of craziness. Thankfully, folks were nice. Yet, we were not fierce in reaching for objects. We decided against waiting two hours for check-out. Everyone is smart to find savings. This definitely makes us happy. To be honest, we are only happy short term. For some items, there is still a large price to pay. This leads me to think about our eternal investments.
Wouldn’t it be beautiful if we saw parking lots full and lines waiting to be saved in churches across America? Have you heard how atheist are now forming congregations to join together with other atheists? What will happen when all these congregations begin to pop up across America? They will need a leader. Will this group be led by the Anti-Christ?
Such a time
I believe God is setting into action savings all can tap into, if they would only believe. This blog is for such as time as this. To release Biblical truth to those who want to tap into receiving truth to prepare their lives for eternity. Hopefully, we will help strengthen the local church by maturing christians. This is detrimental when offering Christ to a fallen world. Look at our local churches from a lost person point of view. Would they feel welcomed? Would they be miss-led or presented the truth? The Robertson family from West Monroe, LA is for such a time as this. Did you catch how NBC brushed right over them during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade? We need to consider how to live off the land. How to make biscuits from scratch. How would we survive if a famine hit our nation?
Eternal savings
The only savings with eternal satisfaction will be in our relationship with Jesus Christ. He is Savior to the world. Once we surrender and commit our lives to Jesus, He will never leave us or forsake us. We have true happiness when we align ourselves with our God given purpose. He is a friend to those who obey His commands. A true friend cares about your every need. (even close parking spots 🙂
Forward Friday!
This is Forward Friday. Please pray for local churches and their pastors. We all need to draw near to Christ, He will draw near to us. When this happens, we hear directions. Jesus is the light to our path and the lamp to our feet. Let’s all move forward seeking to be more like Christ.
Be encouraged!
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