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Friend of Christ: Those Who Seek Will Find

Friend of Christ: Those Who Seek FindFor there is no difference between Jew or Gentile- the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:12,13 NIV) Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my  friends if you do what I command. (John 15:13,14 NIV)

Pick A Plan:

Plan A, B, or C- Your pick will be…

A. We accept Jesus as our personal Savior. Yet, many feel this is enough. Bibles are rarely read and lifestyles remain in the world. Many blessings are missed.

B. Our Biblical knowledge grows to understand- by learning and following God’s commands, Jesus calls us His friend.

C. Not A- Not B- nothing. Happy to be free from conviction- comes with a price. Choosing C is life- threatening. When we opt out of A and B- we automatically choose C by default. C is a ticket to hell.


We can be Christians for many years before enlightened to understand- Cordial greetings of Savior can deepen into friend. Friendship with the one- true God is available to everyone. Lessons learned and knowledge gained are marginal to crossing through diversions seeking the Lord. He promises those who seek will find.

Lord of All

We’re all in this together- Jew or Greek, we serve the same Lord of all. Everyone…if they call upon the name of the Lord, will be saved. Those who start reading their Bibles, attend a strong-Biblical based church and attend Bible study will come to know Christ as friend.


Choices- Choices, our choices have vast difference in outcome. The enemy loves to blind individuals to keep them out of Heaven. To keep one out of Heaven, keeps from having Heaven on earth. Through friends with Christ, we become blessed beyond measure, live an abundant life. Are you tired of taking what the enemy dishes out? Align with God’s plan. After Jesus is known as Savior, He longs for all to grow close as friend. Forward Friday! Moving forward- closer to Christ.

Be encouraged!


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