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Carnal Minded Christians Vs. Christ Minded

Carnal Minded Christians Vs. Christ MindedLet us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. (Galatians 6:9,10 NIV)


Family of believers, a beautiful blend of individuals around the world. Why is it- so many leave church with hardened hearts? I mean leave for good. Children raised in church with no desire to further seek a deeper relationship with Jesus. Here I sit with the most joyous heart, leaning in to hear God’s direction to take with every word. Yet, I can get around a group of people and just cringe. This is something I really need to work on. When we trust God’s path, we are there for a reason. Not to cringe, quite opposite, we are to share God’s love. If we on God’s path, He is there with us.

Carnal Minded

Carnal minded is defined as characterization by the flesh, it’s passions and appetites; sensual, not spiritual; merely human; temporal; worldly. Where mind of Christ- pertains to spiritual, eternal. Interesting, the helmet in the armor of God is salvation. A helmet protects our heads, protecting our brains. I think safe to say- brains are like central command post for body function. During all battles we face- consider our minds protected by spiritual helmets. Removing helmets, we open ourselves to worldly offerings that conflict with Biblical Truth.

Deeper Truths

I’m grateful to have Bibles w/o persecution. Even with new Bibles, my go to Bible is like my best friend. My most treasured item I have. My husband gifted this to me while we were dating. Little did I know it’s importance for what became known as my refining years. My little utopia bubble did not prepare me to face carnal minded Christians. The world can be carnal- that’s their thing. Christians that are truly seeking- grow in spiritual maturity, understanding deeper Biblical Truths. This idea of carnal minded Christian makes me weary. If minds are not proving growth towards spiritual truths, someone is truly deceived. This my friend, is why we have to awaken those slumbering and those being misled by false teachers. Pray those with hardened hearts return to a church where truth sets people free- not like deception that binds into slavery- sin.

May we not grow weary on paths God leads. Let’s do good for all people, especially our family of believers. Turning someone away from sin, is eternal. Let’s not forget God’s Word is true.

Be encouraged!


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