Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. (1 Peter 4:1, 2 NIV)
Forward Friday! My immediate thought- I want to move forward this weekend without soreness in my body. I’ve had two amazing workouts this week and my muscles are screaming- much like the left. Good thing we know muscles do not stay sore, we become stronger as we keep working towards goal. There will be a transformation taking place in my mind, body, and soul in order to see desired results. In order to go from living for human desires vs. God’s will, we’ll go through a similar kind of transformation.
Human Desires vs. God’s Will
1 Peter 4 continues to explain evil human desires are:
- Debauchery – excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures
- Lust
- Drunkenness
- Orgies
- Carousing
- Detestable Idolatry
This is why I love scripture- The Bible explains life’s circumstances as a guide for our daily living. Each of these items are noted as pagan practices, those not aligned with Biblical Truth. The world thinks it’s strange we do not take part in these practices. I can attest to this. Long ago, I decided one night, I would make myself like alcohol. Standing with this cup in my hand, made me realize how ridiculous this looked. It was not as much not liking it as my body rejecting it- I declared my body was the temple of the Holy Spirit quite often during high school. To live in this adult world where alcohol is woven into society and now even churches, like part of our DNA astounds people we do not consume alcohol. My real problem is enjoying food…too much. Gaining control over our flesh is easier said than done. It’s when we make a conscious decision to ask for God’s help, His power will work through us. No longer craving human desires in this world, we now have desire to seek God’s will.
Moving Forward!
Moving Forward! Actions will definitely change. We refuse taking part in evil human desires, replacing time spent growing in Biblical Truth through knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. It’s most vital to have this level of Spiritual growth, understanding current times. No- this does not take all your fun away, this fills you with joy- a pure and holy substance that is our strength. All good- let’s decide right now to seek God’s Will.
Be encouraged!
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