To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-38 NIV)
Motivating Monday! My wish is for all doubting, misled, indifferent, or confident taking a stand with false information/lies to understand truth being released today. When Jesus says…words written in red are straight from Jesus. The color red stimulates thinking of power and/or warning. In this case both apply.
The individuals Jesus talked with took offense- The Lord knows, I’ve had similar situations. People deceived trust only self and those alike, rejecting truth. They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves to anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?” These individuals were thinking their security was set being Abraham’s descendants. As many do today- just because our parents/grandparents are Jesus’ disciples, does not make us one. Many times attending church becomes routine, avoiding softened hearts to understand, open ears to hear, and eyes open to see.
Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” He explained the difference with slavery and freedom. Slaves are not permanent members of a family. Yet, a son belongs to God’s family forever. If we keep on sinning, ignoring The Holy Spirit’s conviction nudges, we dismiss Jesus’ command to go and sin no more. What can we do? Take captive every contrary thought, aligning all thoughts with Biblical knowledge- applying to our lives.
No longer can we trust News Media for truth. This was once a profession who prized themselves on truth. The world around us will fall. The only truth we can trust is Jesus Christ. First, ask Jesus to become your Savior, all believers have done same. Then we desire to study our Bibles- asking Jesus to help us understand. He will, He is always faithful. As we study and apply truth to our lives…changes begin happening, revealing our new selves. Increased faith fuels greater desire to study Biblical Truth. As we do this…we begin hungering and thirsting after righteousness. When following God’s commands, we become His friends.
Welcoming All
We either move forward in Biblical knowledge, understanding, and wisdom or we find ourselves on the opposite end of Jesus’ conversation. He finally tells this group- they were ready to kill Him and had no room for God’s Word, which showed who they believed, the devil. This really was offensive- yet, if they were truly Abraham’s decedents, they would do as Abraham. Bottom line…there is no motivation in defeat. In Jesus, we are motivated to set people free from deception and lies, welcoming all into God’s family.
Be encouraged!
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