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Truth…God’s Love Vs. World Fears

Truth...God's Love Vs. World FearsFor God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. (John 3:16,17 ESV)

Motivating Monday! 

Let’s not fear- we are told many times in Scripture to have no fear. It is smart to be prepared, let’s give our cares and concerns to The Lord, Jesus Christ. He promises to be our shield and rear guard. We need to pray more than anything, for God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and willing to save our land when united in prayer.

God’s Love

God’s love for this world, He sent Jesus to be Savior of the world. Every individual willing to believe in Jesus, will not parish, and will receive eternal life. Jesus was not here to condemn, He was here to save. John does not shy away from telling truth, Jesus came to be the light, yet, men love darkness, because their deeds are evil. In midst of such dire, far more worse than when I first began blogging…societal confusion has people believing the schemes of these evil men. Therefore, confusing people further. The Holy Spirt will reveal Truth…if we stop for a moment and ask; He will be faithful. Our effort is placed in making sure truth will be accepted, not rejected.


The devil likes all to believe God is here to condemn. This is untrue, His love sent His Son, and their love sent The Holy Spirit- a free gift to believers. Sometimes…we fail to recognize The Holy Spirit and His job to convict in hope to turn us away from sin. Take action-transform minds from world thinking to God-honoring; ask Jesus to help us understand, see words with Spiritual meaning for the first time. Even the disciples who walked and talked with Jesus, He had to open their minds to understand.


It’s hard to fathom how dark- the depth of evil happening in our world, in DC, and throughout politics. Let’s be motivated to pray, study Scripture…to make sure we are informed, prepared- not lacking for any good thing. How many years before knowing about child trafficking? A article stated how corrupt O’ years…really amazing how God’s light shining is revealing Truth. Truth is being revealed to all who stop and pray…willing to accept. We must be willing to seek and accept…we know God’s love for the world…we have to be prepared to stand firm against the evil.

Be encouraged!

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