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Spiritual Food and Drink; Spiritual Rock

Spiritual Food and Drink; Spiritual RockThey all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. (1 Corinthians 10:3,4 NIV)

It’s Monday!

Motivating Monday! How can a mother leaving her oldest child over 800 miles away for college be cheerful to write something motivating? It’s the power of Christ and His amazing love for His children. This world may leave us dry and bewildered, the One-true living God, creator of heaven and earth, will never leave nor forsake us.


We’ve felt assured through God’s love and friends’ prayers giving us peace. Paul was assured if God’s message could be grounded anywhere, Corinth would be no different. As he begins, he teaches what has been known. The above scripture is for today. It’s an understanding we all need the same spiritual food and drink from same spiritual rock. There is only One-true God. God, the Father, Son- Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit, make up The Trinity.

Spiritual food

It’s easy for Christians to become spiritually starved. We innocently miss church once, miss it twice, miss it again- all legit, yet depleting. Each service missed, reduces spiritual food and drink renewing our spirit. Unless, we seek God on our own throughout the week in worship, study, and fellowship. Yet, how often will this happen? Never take for granted our need for spiritual food and drink. Trust me- I am not talking about wine. As the Israelites drank from the spiritual rock- the rock is Jesus Christ. How is Christ this spiritual food and drink? It’s studying His Word, The Bible. We take time for prayer and personal worship, finding a meaningful Bible study to attend. We grow spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Without a doubt, attend a church grounded in God’s infallible Word.


When individuals spend this much time taking in spiritual food and drink, our internal filters clean tainted worldly matters out, replacing with new knowledge guiding us to spiritual maturity. His promises are true, we have to believe and align with His Word, applying to daily matters. What would Jesus do is not only a slogan, it’s a way of life.


What’s our spiritual meter indicating? Starving? …just not knowing for what? It may be spiritual food and drink from the rock of Christ. He’s willing to accompany us today as He did with the Israelites. Let’s not be like many of them who displeased God, left scattered across the desert. Be motivated to gauge personal meters, increasing spiritual intake. It’s the power we need in today’s world.

Be encouraged!

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