“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NIV)
Get ready!
Can you imagine how exhilarated Joshua felt with God’s command to get ready? It was time to cross the Jordan River into the land God promised the Israelites. A promise God made to an earlier generation. Recall Joshua and Caleb believed they would be successful entering when they first went as spies. Why would these two men have to endure the extended years of hardship when they believed? I believe the correct answer would be…Joshua was developed as a leader. He spent time learning from Moses. He stayed strong and kept his faith to press on.
Voice of discouragement?
Often times, we start with a voice of discouragement in similar situations. This voice fills our minds with doubt. We are now faced with two choices: 1)shut completely down 2)press on. Satan’s goal is to prevent development of our gifts and talents. The gifts and talents God deposited in us for His purpose of greater good for mankind. Satan does not care anything about you. He uses people for his own self-gratfication. We do have a choice.
Press on!
God made sure they understood to be strong and courageous. They were to press on as the Lord was going to be with them wherever they went. I am thankful this promise is for us today. God has deposited gifts and talents in each of His children. He stretches beyond our comfort zones for our reliance on Him. When we understand scripture, we gain a greater understanding of the Trinity: God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Before reading, pray and ask Jesus to help you understand the scriptures. He is faithful and you will be surprised how well you understand. When God-given ideas and thoughts enter your mind, you will be able to cast out doubt and choose to press on!
Technical issues resolved!
I apologize for no Wednesday blog. My host server experienced technical issues. They resolved quickly and moved me to a new server. I am thankful. However, I knew the message God wanted us to dig deep into yesterday and could have submerged into discouragement. Instead, I chose to stay calm and press on! We can do this! What God did for Joshua and Caleb, He will do for you and me.
Be encouraged!
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