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Deception Leads Individuals Through Wide Gate

Deception Leads Through Wide Gate“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13,14 NIV)


I’m confident whatever our thoughts, feed our souls as we sleep. Think about what first comes to mind when you awaken. This may gauge our spiritual nutrition. Of course, with any nutrition, what goes in will determine outcome. Consumption builds daily. We’re confronted with an array of grandiose offers. Will it be deception or truth?


Imagine the devil on one shoulder gleaming with deception- oh, I mean a pretty smile. His offers will be highlighted, eyes drawn just like Eve and the forbidden fruit. Offers speak to sensual aspects- anything to take sense of wrong away will be his game plan. He’ll say, “Isn’t this love, what your God tells you?” The 60’s was all about love, yet this seems when open rebellion was birthed. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) 


A moderate Christian- seriously? Considering a line up of hot sauce- moderate would land near mild in the middle. Revelation 3:15,16? I know this covers many of our friends, families, and people we meet. The term moderate seems like a compromise. When life ends, will these individuals find themselves on the broad road, confused when they see the end? Many of their compromises do not fit on the narrow road. This is truly why only a few find it. Maybe more find it, yet choose not to enter. To enter narrow gate, means giving up lots of what the world accepts. Two gates:

  1. A wide gate. The road is broad and many enter through it. Do they realize this leads to destruction?
  2. A small gate. The road is narrow and only a few find it. Do people realize this is the only way to life?


Before more deception gains ground, consider today’s scripture in prayer. See how Jesus leads your thoughts to understand and relate this to our world. As full as my life is, I have given up lots in my own world. God’s plan will always be better than our own. There is nothing worth keeping us from walking through that small gate onto the narrow road. How about you? We’ll avoid destruction and have eternal life.

Be encouraged!



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