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Outcast- Cast Out: Clear Societal Confusion

Outcast/Cast Out: Clear Societal Confusion“If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” (John 15:19 NIV)


Motivating Monday! A play on words- outcast, cast out. Outcast is defined as one rejected by society or a social group. Has anyone felt like an outcast? In this world, easy to happen. Line drawn between Biblical Truth and satan’s deception is more profound daily. If the world loves you as their own, in the world you belong. Belonging to Jesus, we no longer belong to the world. Identifying a key contributor to societal confusion.


We are part of this world, yet belonging to Christ, we are set apart. We’ve been chosen out of the world. The minute we pray for salvation, The Holy Spirit is deposited into our hearts. He is the Spirit of Truth, our teacher, counselor and helper in time of need. The Holy Spirit begins to give nudges with goals leading to holiness. It’s hard to realize at first. It’s a trade- our old life for God’s new creation. Part of our new is learning God’s Word- reading The Bible, listening to Bible cd’s, and attending a Bible believing church. Identifying key #2 to societal confusion- we can be part of a church and still feel like an outcast. Not everyone in church desires to grow beyond their salvation experience, left to reflect attachment to the world.

Cast Out

More an individual grows in wisdom and knowledge, more mature they become. Churches have wide ranges of maturity levels. As we keep our eyes on Jesus, He keeps us on track to our destination. From salvation to destination, forget outcast and begin to cast out. Like casting out a fishing pole, taking all we’ve learned during our spiritual walk to a lost world. Cast out kindness to those who have rejected. Cast out smiles in grocery lines, at stop signs, and soccer games. Let’s be motivated to seek God’s will in our lives. Removing outcast thoughts, accepting God’s call to cast out.

Be encouraged!

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