How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. (Psalm 139:17,18 NIV)
Motivating Monday!
Motivating Monday! Gracious! Stirring within me is the word vast. Vast is defined of great extent or quantity; immense. Psalm 139 is one of the most wonderful chapters in the Bible. An intimate connection with God is made visual with each word. He searches and knows each one personally. Verse 5 You hem me in- behind and before. How precious to know we’re protected in the middle of God before us and behind.
Vast thoughts outnumber grains of sand. God’s thoughts include individuals world wide, including you. His love reaches without limit. We place limits due to battle within surrendering life we know to life unknown. It’s only unknown until we trust God’s Word to lead. More we read, more we learn, more we know. For those taking baby steps to individuals ready for giant leaps, God is faithful. Steps increase as faith, hope, and love work together. Trust issues smooth as God proves Himself faithful.
Can you imagine the capacity of God’s vast thoughts? I love today’s photo. This is actually my daughter. Oceans vast expanse, always mesmerize me. Every grain of sand, representing God’s infinite knowledge and wisdom. His supremacy enveloping our entire being. Connecting with Jesus- developing this level of understanding, allows dreams to become reality.
Surrendering to God’s will, God’s dreams become our dream. We quickly grasp how limited we’ve dreamt. Too many times, individuals give up before God’s dreams are revealed. Surrender is not easy- giving up something so strong in our limited minds, trusting God to be true. God created our inmost being, He knows us- it’s time we know Him. Once we do, we’ll only want to dream God’s dream into reality. May God’s warmth be felt wrapped around each one. Let’s be motivated stepping forward, placing God’s dreams into action.
Be encouraged!
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