But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me. (Psalm 13:5,6 NIV)
David seemed to be enduring his circumstances…How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? He wrestled with thoughts, sorrow lingered in his heart, and had concern for an enemy. With troubles mounting, he chose to rely on what he knew was truth. David chose to trust in God’s unfailing love.
Have you ever felt God has forgotten you? Life not particularly going the way you thought? Chances are greater than not, as a child of Christ, our steps are ordered of the Lord. Every time we approach crossroads, deeper trust expands faith. Once one stretch is covered, we look back in agreement with Christ. His way is better.
Deeper Trust
During times when circumstances do not make sense, we reach deeper to trust God’s sovereignty. One of my greatest encouragers, reading and commenting on this blog often- lost her life in a head on collision Saturday morning. Margie Houmes happened to be driving and in a split second was hit by another car crossing the median. What is the chance that she would be in that spot at that second on that given day? Let’s keep her family in our prayers. Every life she touched, she ministered encouragement. Please take time to visit her website, read her thoughts. May the word she had to sustain the weary continue.
When life is challenged and decisions define reactions- are we willing to trust deeper? Taking hold of our faith, determined to stay on God’s chosen path. As we increase faith and deepen trust, choosing God’s path become easier each time. This seems like letting out a well kept secret. It’s Motivating Monday! Deciding deeper trust is hard, yet once we do, we see how simple. Deeper trust mixed with greater faith- watch out world! No longer will the world be a stumbling block. We’ll be singing to the Lord, for He has been good.
Be encouraged!
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