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Deceptive Spirits Manipulate & Twist Truth

Deceptive Spirits Manipulate & Twist Truth“In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead.” (Acts 17:30,31 NIV)


Paul sat in Athens, distressed with a city full of idols. While preaching the good news of Jesus Christ, others twisted his motives into advocating foreign gods. The philosophers of the day, felt his ideas were strange. See, what we’re experiencing in America is nothing new. Satan has limited power and knowledge. He can only counterfeit his previous knowledge as one of God’s high ranking angels, Lucifer.


We’ve all seen individuals- vying for favoritism, attempting to outrank other students, bosses, or social ladder. Self pride did not help Lucifer and does not help mankind. Lucifer wanted more power than God. He and 1/3 of all angels were deceptive and dismissed from Heaven, lowered to rule the earth. Satan is the ruler of the air we breathe. He roams to see who he can devour, enlisting deceptive agents to further his cause.


One of my first professional jobs out of college was in a residential hospital. Looking back with many patients dealing with addictions and depression, spiritual warfare was strong. The spirit of homosexuality was thick, as many employees embraced this lifestyle. Discussing this, it’s important to identify personal ideologies are formed based on what permeates our surrounding. When a deceptive spirit is thick- it causes one to question their existence. Just like if looking at idols, a buffet, sitting in a bar, or with friends gossiping. At what point- do we step out and refuse to accept pull towards a deceptive spirit?


Maybe this is your first time to discuss a deceptive spirit. The devil wants nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy. Leading many astray, dismissing conviction and instead, justifying sin. He’s attempting to turn an entire nation against God’s Word, His commandments, attacking churches- leading churches astray leads individuals astray. Satan does this because he knows…Jesus offers repentance and an abundant life. Once we repent, we turn away from sin- opening a new door. Experiencing freedom to walk God’s ordained path of good and perfect gifts. Ultimately, having nothing to worry about when we die and face judgement.

Be encouraged!



  1. » Deceptive Spirits Manipulate & Twist Truth - July 1, 2015

    […] Deceptive Spirits Manipulate & Twist Truth […]

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