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Basic 101: Instructions Included- Easy to Follow

Basic 101: Instructions Included- Easy to FollowOur people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives. (Titus 3:14 NIV)


Ready for basic 101- life? Let’s face it- comments like: get a life- life stinks- life sucks…all heard on any given day. We may be feeling this way now. Does life really have to stink? What does get a life really mean? We’ve all be given a life- maybe not the best start for some, maybe not correct perceptions for others.


In order to gain life- we receive a new title, becoming a child of the most High King. We’ll trade old ideologies for a free gift- righteousness. Let’s not confuse this w/self righteousness. Self righteousness is satan’s trick to turn others away from Christ. God’s free gift offers new take on life. Once robed in righteousness, we begin learning God’s way of handling situations. I believe whatever the circumstance, God provides an example and His perspective teaches us how to handle.


Titus was sent to Crete, a diverse population in need of sound doctrine. Sounds much like our own diverse population. Instead of quick tempers, drunkenness, violence, and dishonest gain- Paul wrote Titus to encourage the Cretans to learn to devote themselves to doing what is good. Can you imagine- if America would try this? Life would become productive and daily necessities would be met.

Basic 101

Basic 101- learn to devote ourselves to doing good. Does not sound hard, however, reality will be hard. It does not come natural, we have to learn. How do we learn? We practice daily. Every time we cancel a rude behavior with kindness, we retrain our behavior. New reactions of doing good, will replace old irritable ones. In doing so, life becomes more productive and necessities are met. Amazing! Something so very simple- let’s all learn to do good.

…1 Peter 2:15 For it is God’s will that by doing good, you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. (An added bonus:)

Be encouraged!

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