I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26 NIV)
Moving Forward
Forward Friday! I love this verse! We can only move forward with a heart of flesh. Hearts of stone are like hard soil- limited growth ability. Every once in awhile we’ll see signs of life crack through. We’ve all experienced a heart of stone. We just cannot live a lifetime of hardness.
Housing hearts of stone, dig bitter roots deeper. Eventually…impacting our health. For instance, drying up bones and why depression seems to impact more lives daily. Hardness plants unhealthy seeds for others cultivating examples from hearts of stone. My guess…most hard hearts were soft in the beginning, causing hurt to take deeper root.
My experience living with hardness offers the only explanation for my lower two spine fusions. Thankful our church offered Beth Moore’s study, Breaking Free. I highly recommend this study for anyone battling difficult individuals. Breaking free, stops our reactions, removing us from the equation. We no longer allow another person that much power over our life. With God’s help, He turns our heart of stone back into heart of flesh.
We had a gentleman in my home church. Every time he would sing a special, he removed his glasses and announced, “It is good, ‘TO Be’ in the house of the Lord.” This statement sings in my soul. It is good to be in church and feel God’s Spirit building a hunger and thirst after His righteousness. To draw near to Christ and feel his presence drawing near to you. It’s not about what others are doing. It is between God and ourselves. Keeping our eyes on Jesus, safeguards from any hardness.
Every once in awhile, my heart shifts to react, experience shifts it right back with eyes on the Lord. What God spoke through His prophet, Ezekiel for the Israelites, He will do same for you and me. When situations provoke hardness, God will give us a new heart and a new spirit. Are you or someone you know ready to release all hardness? A heart of flesh is when burdens lift and freedom arrives. It’s exhilarating! Very exciting!
Be encouraged!
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