The Mighty One, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. (Psalm 50:1, 10 ESV)
God’s love is so deep. Parents have hard times leaving children first nights away. Their love is so deep for this child, it’s hard to separate, even if short time. God spent years with Jesus on earth, sacrificing time- so that He could become the sacrificial lamb for mankind. The ultimate display of love.
Jesus took away the sins of the world, that we may choose to believe and live with Him for eternity. A simple fact, hard for many to believe. God’s love never fails. He awaits patiently, offering mercy and grace. Thankful God’s mercies are new every morning. Seems every morning I’m in need. This past week in BSF, I love how God works through our Teaching Leader. She gave an amazing visual from Heaven’s viewpoint. They’re looking down cheering..Be Be Committed, Be Be Committed.
Can you imagine our loved ones and friends who have entered Heaven, experiencing all they have- desiring for us to make sure we make Heaven at all cost. All cost = surrender, surrendering our will to God’s will. Trusting God’s Word to be infallible. As we grow in Word Knowledge, God’s love feels warmer and closer with every step His direction.
He is so good. I want everyone to experience our amazingly faithful God. The fact that most individuals do not turn towards Jesus- they see nothing wrong with current situations. Understanding and applying scripture to our lives, reveals changes necessary to receive all of God’s best. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills…can you imagine?
My cheer will be…Re- Re- Repent, Re- Re- Repent! Experiencing God’s deep love is truly more than our minds can conceive. Once we commit, we repent taking up our cross to follow HIm…by learning God’s Word.
Hard to believe it’s Forward Friday! Let’s keep moving forward with Biblical Truth- speaking truth in love. Cheering on mankind to keep them from perishing- awaken eyes to see, ears to hear, and soften hearts to understand.
Be encouraged!
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