Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. (Psalm 34: 3-5 ESV)
Exalt Thee
Bask in God’s presence- feel His warmth and light, walk away with radiance, leaving behind shame. December has arrived like a long lost friend, delivering a warm hug. As we exalt Thee, avoid all hustle and bustle, lean into seeking Christ, the newborn King.
We all, like sheep, have been led astray. It’s Jesus who carries iniquity of us all. The true shepherd, He knows us all by name. Even if 99 obeyed, Jesus would go after the one trying to get away. Why? Why would anyone reject His free gift of salvation? Is it like freedom- not really free? Soldiers giving their lives, families sacrificing that we may live in freedom. Jesus, sacrificial lamb- carrying His cross, being nailed, and died for mankind. Is it too much to be asked to pick up our own cross?
What hold does this world have on us? Who will desire to learn more about Jesus and resemble less of this world? Demand the devil to flee, he must flee. There is time left in this year to break every chain, release hurts, injustices, and allow God to revenge. Vengeance is mine says The Lord. No longer allowing offenses to take root- releasing bitterness to make sure no one is defiled on our account. Jesus says to be encouraged- He overcame this world. If Jesus overcame, so can each one.
Ready to be delivered from all fear? Seek The Lord and have Him answer. Lord, we exalt you above all gods. May you be revealed to all hearts this Christmas.
Be encouraged!
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