See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God: and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. (1 John 3:1 ESV)
When all through the house no creatures were stirring not even a mouse. What will appear to my wondering eyes.. a new puppy in the Hurley home! Yes, today we welcome Dasher “Dash” into our home. He is a miniature Australian Shepherd. Isn’t it amazing how much joy out weighs hassles involved in lavishing love on our children.
I can only imagine hassles I’ve caused in overall kingdom plan. Rebelling against God’s plan is as harsh as rejecting Jesus’s gift of salvation. Reminds me how Tim Allen’s character in Santa Claus’s first movie kept refusing to believe he was Santa. God’s love for us- to be called the children of God, fills every empty space in our beings. Why waste time rebelling?
God is patient. As 1 John discusses God’s children Vs. children of the devil, His love abounds providing teachings throughout the Bible. By studying the Bible, we’ll learn Spiritual Truth. Truth revealed as we seek more, we’ll understand more. We’ll desire more of God- learn more about Jesus, taking steps deeper to know Him more.
Learning Curve
Deeper we step- more God reveals. A sign we can be trusted with more, since we were faithful with little. Every step towards taking on God’s image- is a step of faithfulness. Do hassles cease now? No- there are hassles in every new spiritual level. Our flesh never stops competing with our soul. There’s a learning curve with every new level. Much like parenting- God sets a perfect example.
There nothing greater than experiencing God’s love. To release our will, surrendered to God’s plan, taking steps forward…trusting. Time’s running close to Christmas Eve…to celebrate Jesus’s Birthday. The greatest gift we can give to Jesus- ourselves. Surrender and flow in amazing peace and experiencing situations like we’ve never thought. A decision we will never regret.
Be encouraged!
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