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Eyes Opened: Willing Participant in God’s Plan

Eyes Opened: Willing Participant in God's Plan“Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 23:23,24 ESV)


As we begin Christmas week…we can spend time talking bubbly holiday cheer, however, my heart is aching today for individuals hurting and hiding pain. May our eyes be opened to these individuals- someone in need of a Christmas miracle, offering hope. If we are willing to look, Jesus is willing to guide our actions.


For the last four months, I have been mainly living in another state as our daughter participated in a soccer training program. There I meant to hide away and write, write, write. Instead, I reflect multiple ways God directed me interacting with others. We are never out of God’s view. He’s faithful to send the right helper at the right time. Jeremiah was the right person- God was calling out all priest and prophets leading people astray.


Many times our eyes see, we lack courage taking first steps. Often we dismiss the Holy Spirit’s nudge, placing our earthly thoughts over God’s. We miss stepping into God’s higher thoughts and ways. It’s like a tug-o- war…God is pulling us higher and we want to stay comfortable. As we stay comfortable, others stay hurting.


Every believer has been gifted The Holy Spirit. An amazing gift to be equipped with a personal counselor, helper, Spirit of Truth- to be able to discern between good/evil, truth/false, right/wrong. However, failing to accept Jesus’s gift of salvation, we forfeit all other gifts and talents. In order to be hands and feet of Jesus, boots on the ground type thing- we need God’s power working through us. More we seek Jesus, more we become fueled with God’s power.

Motivating Monday!

This is going to be a very special week. It’s Motivating Monday! Let’s be motivated to help hurting people, by opening our eyes and acting on The Holy Spirit’s nudge. Just wait…we’ll all be amazed!

Be encouraged!

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