“…a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” (Luke 2:32 NIV)
A man named Simeon waited for consolation of Israel. Interesting, scripture states, “The Holy Spirit was upon him.” It’s interesting to me, because The Holy Spirit had not been released to believers- yet. The Holy Spirit revealed Simeon would see baby Jesus, The Lord’s Christ.
Simeon was righteous and devout, trusted with spiritual knowledge. He recognized the Messiah- newborn Jesus Christ. He knew Jesus would be light of revelation to the Gentile. Jesus would be a sign spoken against and the cause of many to fall and rise in Israel.
Light came to the Gentiles- thankfully. When light of Jesus is withheld- darkness covers abilities to understand. Those refusing to accept Jesus as Christ, remain in darkness. They miss learning of Jesus’s great love, His sacrifice made for mankind. As Jesus sits on The Father’s right hand interceding for you and me- He sees all, knows all…desiring all to know Him.
Sunshine’s brightness- adds light to a darkened world. One of the best ways to describe deception- reminding how many times we’ve heard…sun can be deceiving. The sun makes us think warm- when air can be cold. It makes our minds think one way- when reality is something else. Just like individuals missing out on Jesus Christ as Savior, Redeemer, and Restorer. To be His friend, by following His commands.
Greatest Gift
The greatest gift of all…Jesus’s Birthday. His light shining for all to see. What’s your take on seeing Christ’s reflection in others? Maybe time to start taking note, seeing genuine believers. Making sure our actions are genuine for watching eyes. Many eyes are trying to see, yet truth has been blurred. Let’s move forward seeking Biblical Truth, reflecting time spent with Jesus- clearing blurred vision. Clearly, Jesus came to be light.
Be encouraged!
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