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Disappoint Stops Here- All Not Lost

Disappoint Stops Here- All Not LostAnd hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. (Romans 5:5 NIV)

Power Packed

Power packed verse. Hope-God-Love-Hearts-Holy Spirit- Us. We’ll never be good enough to earn God’s love, not necessary. He loved us while we were still sinners. Jesus died on the cross for this very reason. He is our only hope.

Battle of Wills

Times I’ve been disappointed is when my will tried trumping God’s will- battle of wills. God’s ways are perfect, His plans for us are to prosper and not harm. We’re still in January, a new year started. And…yesterday was a day to sink into my prayer zone. First thing I heard…all is not lost- start again tomorrow. From sinus pressure, to a fender-bender- more eating than desired- definitely a day to retreat. The enemy wanted me to dismiss blogging today. I know this means…very important to push through. No matter how dire- hope in Jesus will never disappoint.


Disappointment is a big-ugly bruise on our soul. People disappoint, circumstances disappoint, we allow our own actions to disappoint- God will never disappoint. The Bible’s teachings are true and the Bible is for today. The World is placing such force against Biblical Truth. Biblical Truth sets people free- the world without the Bible is tangled in deception.


Tangled in deception makes matters worse. When satan thinks he can break resistance, he moves in for the kill. Instead of living disappoint and regret- Let God tell you…all is not lost- start again tomorrow. The key is studying/feeding on scripture like manna from on high. Without God’s provision, we would starve. Feasting on Biblical Truth leads to life everlasting.


Let’s be warriors for Christ- leaving disappoint behind, seeking God’s will. An amazing gift- The Holy spirit, living in our hearts. You- my friend, are very important to God.

Be encouraged!


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