He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray. (Proverbs 5:23 ESV)
Today marks the 43rd anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Is there a coincidence Washington DC is bracing for an epic blizzard? Even though this storm has cancelled many attending Walk for Life, prayers will be happening across our nation. Where have we gone wrong, dismissing regard for human life- missing alignment with Biblical foundations?
Regard for human life- not just unborn, is declining more every day. I find this links to disrespect for God’s Word, The Bible. Unless we’re disciplined to read/study scripture- we’ll perish for lack of knowledge. This does not only impact eternal destination, every day is impacted. What happens when choices confuse perfect alignment?
After my fender/bender, I knew I had damage- yet thought driving was fine. My husband questioned the alignment? Confident, I assured him it was fine. However, first thing he noticed while driving was the alignment. He says, “This is way out of alignment.” How could he know when the car was driving straight. I was directed to look at my steering wheel, then asked to turn steering wheel straight. Immediately, we drifted heavy left. Ouch! Even when I did not think I was out of alignment- I was out of alignment.
It’s easy for us to think our actions align with good, dismissing Biblical Truth. When good- is not God’s best. Had my husband not told me the truth, I would have ruined new tires and whatever else. When it comes to our soul, are we willing to listen to a trusted friend? Thinking about Roe vs. Wade, Ten commandments removed from public schools, Federal Judges overruling majority votes, people attempting to move God out of the Pledge of Allegiance…the list goes on. Where do roots begin and what causes individuals’ mis-guided alignments.
Moving Forward
It’s Forward Friday! Please say a prayer for all involved in this continued fight- when it’s really down to God’s will vs. self will. Let’s move forward aligning to Biblical Truth, trusting a friend to help us stay aligned. This will be tricky- too many times we trust those leading us astray. Choose trusted friends carefully.
Be encouraged!
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