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Simple: Perfect Ways- Avoiding Detours

Simple: Perfect Ways- Avoiding DetoursFor who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. (Psalm 18:31,32 NIV)


Ever have an epiphany checking out at Hobby Lobby? God speaks to us in various ways. I glanced up to see crosses and various Christian symbols, thanking God for this family standing firm to His Word. Lady in front of me was buying flowers for her church. These simple flowers of various colors touched deep in my heart. Simple…was the word resounding in my heart.


God’s Word is simple. His ways are perfect. He makes our way perfect. Why does discontentment set in my heart so often? Detours are no fun, delaying arrival time. Dead ends lead to confusion. Sometimes…we go round and round when location is right in front of us. Each instance describes the scene of resisting God’s perfect way.


I’m reminded of a wise comment made during BSF this week- we may be in a place where God intends to protect us. This is so powerful. Our flesh wants what our flesh wants. In this we may be directed opposite direction than previously desired. Trusting in God’s sovereignty, peace is available to be content at all times. For when we are weak, God is strong. This is simple truth, hard to digest when our will tries to trump God’s Will.


Building our life on the rock- Jesus Christ, provides a solid foundation. Every step towards living for Christ and honoring Him with thoughts and actions, proves our committment. In turn He proves His faithfulness causing faith to build within.


While I ponder this simple truth, positioned where I am, I wonder what God has protected me from. My mind likely could not contain all He would say. I’ve always envisioned a cartoon strip where I am walking, looking ahead. Behind me destruction is falling, unbeknown to me. I sense this is the exact way God protects.


If you are confused with who God is- He is Lord, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. There is no other rock than Jesus Christ. Our strength comes God and ways are made perfect. Tired of being lost? Choose Jesus. He’ll set your feet on solid ground, and make your way perfect. It does not get better than this.

Be encouraged!

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