Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1 ESV)
What if…
After Super Tuesday…Where are we Wednesday? Two situations from yesterday landed heavy on my heart. Individuals who did not vote, a sign of indifference. What if we remove titles of democrat and republican? Look at individuals running for president and test their spirits. Testing spirits- we’re simply going to educate ourselves on what they believe from previous actions.
Every day…
We are presented every day with choices. God sets before us life and death, blessings and curses. Will we choose life or choose death? Indifference is not a choice presented. Indifference lands straddling the fence, being lukewarm. And, if this is not the case, fear has hold. This is not time to fear, pray for God’s guidance.
Discussing politics with my son and one of his friends, I recovered quickly from being stunned. Discussing politics with my oldest is a daily occurrence. He’s excited and has stayed informed. His friend loves the idea of free tuition and moving America to become more like other countries. Seemed his theory would have America shifting backwards than moving forward. Should we not wish other countries to be more like America? Is this the disconnect between generations? Have we lost sight at what has made this nation great?
Indifference silences voices allowing deception to spread. When we pray and test spirits- The Holy Spirit will give clear direction- who we should support. Yes, I agree with my son, America has become so eclectic. I also know when individuals across nations come together from various denominations and cultures; studying same weekly Bible Study through Bible Study Fellowship, we all agree standing firm on the same source, our Bibles.
Test Spirits
Times have changed and no longer are political parties, parties of yesterday. Let’s test spirits and see who really is the one we should be supporting. Wednesday Warriors unifying- increases power.
Be encouraged!
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