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Fear of the Lord: Wisdom, Knowledge, Insight

Fear of the Lord: Wisdom, Knowledge, InsightThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. (Proverbs 9:10 ESV)


Motivating Monday! A great day to motivate with considerations happening toward governing nominations happening soon. However, this is not a blog focused solely on political movements. This is a blog to bring awareness to deception. Understanding Biblical Truth is basis for discerning what’s happening in our country.

Emotions, Facts,Truth

When I was a child, I thought like a child. Children base facts more on emotion than truth. Facts are determined by our personal way of seeing. Facts are things indisputably the case. It’s whatever case we want to make. Where Biblical Truth is based on The Bible. All scripture is God- breathed. In order to teach, rebuke, correct, and train in righteousness.

Fear of the Lord

As adults, we mature physically and hopefully emotionally. We gain knowledge and deepen understanding through life experiences. I count it a privilege to be raised in a fire and brimstone style preaching. While others may not like this style of preaching, I am grateful. Is God loving- yes, faithful- yes. Does God discipline- yes, judge- yes. I learned true meaning for fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is insight. Gaining insight is vital to discern deception.


Truth preached needs no apology for today. If there was not a little fire to stir hearts- would my heart have learned to fear the Lord? How often is this principle taught today? God is love, God is wrath. He is alpha and Omega- the beginning and the end. Our lives have beginning and an end. The basis of our lives on matter. This foundation guides our decision making. For Christians, do our decisions align with Biblical Truth?


Leaving thoughts today with older hymns. Which one is your favorite? Here’s one of mine…Take my hand, precious Lord- lead me home. Oh, He touched me…and oh the joy that floods my soul. Something happened, and now I know…He touched me and made me whole. Dear friends, nothing greater than living lives to matter for Jesus Christ.

Be encouraged!


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