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Challenged: Discerning Truth Over Tradition

Challenged: Discerning Truth Over TraditionJesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I , too, am working.” (John 5:17 NIV)


Last evening was opening night to our high school’s spring play, “The Fiddler on the Roof.” A story of cultural and religious tradition challenged. Our society has challenged cultural and religious traditions over the years. During these times, Jesus never changes. He is same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His Word never changes.


While Jesus never changes, culture does. Jesus was persecuted for healing on the Sabbath. Calling God- Father, made Him equal to God. The Religious leaders did not like Jesus. Who was he to heal a man that had not walked in 38 years? Jesus commanded, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” He immediately was healed. The jews told would not have this- he was breaking the law for carrying his mat? Overlooking the miracle that had taken place.


My dominate love language for a long time was acts of service. This is great for getting things done and helping others. However, it’s easy to pass right over miracles in our midst. One mother’s comment last night made a lasting impression on me, I’ll never forget- she makes sure to have front row seating. She wants to see her daughter move the set around- her daughter is part of the stage crew. How easy it would be to overlook these individuals- when they are so much part of the show.


In our fast pace world, moving forward, challenged to discern between tradition and truth. God’s work is happening around the world. He is large and in charge. Jesus is right next to God interceding on our behalf. No one seems more dismissed than The Holy Spirit. He’s our helper- in all areas. Should we ever feel alone or incapable? No! With The Holy Spirit helping, Jesus interceding, and God sitting on the throne- what more do we need? We need softened hearts and eyes opened.

Be encouraged!



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