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Equip: Trust God, Keep Fire Burning

Equip: Trust God, Keep Fire BurningMay the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Hebrews 13:20,21 NIV)


Graduation week is upon us. I see many graduates across our land from preschool to highest levels of education. When I think about our oldest graduating from high school, I’m back in 1987 remembering all anticipation and excitement. I was ready to end one chapter, starting next. Jesus was the author and finisher of my faith. Sadly, my fire sizzled out. Unsure I realized then, God would equip me- not done by my strength.


Young in faith- describes many of our graduates stepping out into this world. Will they be ready to face what life deals? Have we trained our children in the way they should go? Is the Word deep into their hearts, easy to recall when necessary. We hope for the best. However, trusting in God, we have nothing to fear. God is willing to equip each one with everything good to complete His will. Surrendering to God, He is able to work in us what is pleasing to Him.


God is faithful to meet spiritual and physical needs. Equipping our son for college stands to reason gift him cowboy boots and cowboy hat. Now, in our finite minds, this is hard to imagine. Did we pray? Yes. Was my heart open to God’s will? Yes. Did our son pray and fast? Yes. Then why would we be surprised God plans to equip him to succeed outside the box created in our minds. God’s thoughts are higher than ours and His ways and not our ways. When we step up our game- seeking/finding, trusting/surrendering, straight paths are presented. It’s our choice- walk straight path or stay comfortable even if path is rough.


I desire every graduate young or older to seek/find, trust/surrender. This next chapter to be wrote will depend on choices we make. This is true for each of our lives. God promises to equip- are we willing to yield to God’s will? I’ve been down various paths…God’s straight paths yield amazing returns on every investment made. Choose Jesus today and every day- for ever and ever is a very long time- eternal.

Be encouraged!

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