Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. (Isaiah 40:28,29 NIV)
Happy Endings…
I love happy endings…movies and novels relishing sappy love stories. Though many of these stories are fictional, we can be part of the greatest love story of all. Who else is willing to take our sin and pay the ultimate sacrifice in hopes that we will call Him…Savior, Lord of lords, King of kings? Jesus.
The big news in the economy awaits to see how Britain’s vote turns out- separating from the European Union. Markets are already responding to this rumbling around the world. It’s truly a historic event. We need a President to get us back on track. What makes one happy, makes another unhappy. Happy endings are nothing more than being satisfied with end result. Yet, this feeling can soon pass. What truly provides self-assured confidence in troubled times? Jesus.
Studying Revelation this past year was nothing to fear. God’s Word is our guide to understand today and days ahead. The world is unable to offer such self- assurance. False attempts occur only to find emptiness in the end. Keeping our eyes on Jesus, removes distractions. Studying God’s Word grants wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Therefore, we become equipped with strength to see through disturbances worldwide, refusing fear its power. How does this happen? Jesus.
Moving Forward!
It’s Forward Friday! Moving forward understanding people have known, they have heard…and now indifferent. I never really thought such an invisible tsunami could force hearts once for Christ, oblivious to waves of crashes confusing right vs. wrong. Making many overwhelmed wanting to keep peace by neglecting Biblical Truth. If Biblical Truth sets us free- opposite will land us in bondage, exactly where satan wants. Let’s move forward aware of deception, seeking a happy ending.
Be encouraged!
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