But blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream… (Jeremiah 17:7,8a NIV)
Forward Friday! Moving forward remembering old hymns….I shall not be, I shall not be moved, Just like a tree that’s planted by the water, I shall not be moved. This person who is like a tree planted by the water has no fear when heat comes, their leaves are always green, no worries throughout a drought year, and never fails to bear fruit. And…the very next verse warns against a deceptive heart, deceitful above all things.
We have to guard our hearts with intent diligence. As mainstream focus in on healthy hearts, it’s as important to search our hearts for any impurities (unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, strife, gossipy, haughtiness, anger, sexual immorality, drunkenness- the Bible discusses every one of these elements and more.) One who is planted by still water, securing their foundation in Christ Jesus, understands importance of basic 101 facts about our hearts and minds. It’s like how a bicycle has two tires rotating working together when one pedals. When a person sets salvation in motion, the importance of taking captive every thought contrary to God’s Word works with making sure hearts do not deceive us.
This scripture has become special to me. As we were praying over our oldest child leaving for college, my husband speaking this verse calmed my soul. Think about this tree, never failing to bear fruit. The thought of seeds planted to expand becoming their own productive tree, remaining by the water. Years earlier standing in church on Sunday mornings, I recall singing the above hymn. Amazed with the good seed planted in me during childhood, setting foundation who I am today. Sweet, sweet Spirit, I never want to take for granted. What kind of seeds are we planting in others?
It’s easy to find ourselves in spiritual droughts-like living in a desert. Then to drink from an overflowing fountain of God’s Word working through others- powerful, like a sponge soaking it in. Let’s keep constant check on rotation between mind and heart, making sure all pleasing to God. If we do- hang on tight, quite the ride ahead.
Be encouraged!
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