But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” Then his disciples said to each other, “Could someone have brought him food?” “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” (John 4:32-34 NIV)
Motivating Monday! We’re off and running! Wouldn’t it be great if political races were more like horse races? Excitement builds all the way to the finish line. Yet, once a horse crosses the finish line, race is over. Could we ever be so fortunate to have all assaults cease towards our new President? People are being misled. My eyes have been opened to see how far people can be misguided, deepening societal confusion.
My heart is burdened for these individuals. Years ago while enduring refining flames higher at times when rebellion to God’s will worsened, God remained very close. I know this now, as character test then prepared me for now. He was toughening my skin, for this calling requires thick skin. I’ve had a Job moment when a close friend told me no matter what I say, these people will not change. My response…what if no one else attempts to speak truth? There is a reason why scripture tells us wide is the path to destruction and narrow is the gate to Heaven. No one has to miss Heaven, if they are willing to ask Jesus to forgive them of sins, and be Lord of our lives.
God’s Will
The disciples show it’s ok when we don’t get it sometimes. Yet, some people have no intentions to ever understand. Some reject Jesus without hesitation. Jesus was steadfast in completing God’s will. It was very important to Jesus to finish his work. Completing God’s will is vital for us as well. He continued talking to his disciples, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” Dear friends, we can not ignore people who oppose Spiritual Truth. Their soul is on the line- I do not want anyone destined for hell. I’ve pondered, “God, how do we reach these individuals?” He reminded me- His love reaches so far and when we think we’ve reached as far as we can, we’re reminded, we are more than conquerers. So when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Let’s continue to pray evil attempts against the President are bound and God’s will to prevail.
Be encouraged!
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