He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:13,14 ESV)
How amazing to be faithful and full of Christ’s love that faith giants of the day- Paul and Timothy arrive for a visit. This is exactly what happened in Colossae. Paul and Timothy never ceased praying:
- To fill them with knowledge of his will in all Spiritual wisdom and understanding.
- To walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work.
- Increase in the knowledge of God.
- Be strengthened with all power, in God’s glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy.
- Thankful our Heavenly Father, qualified us to share in His inheritance of the saints in light.
As if each of these is not enough, Paul and Timothy prayed they would be delivered from domain of darkness. In order for individuals today to be delivered from darkness, they have to realized they are in darkness. This seems to be a vital problem in midst of societal confusion. Take sources like NYTimes, Washington Post, and CNN who have been proved reporting incorrect information- people still believe every word.
Unlimited Resources
We can be encouraged- When God is for us, who can be against us? Many try in their limited amount of resources. We have available unlimited amount of resources, if we grow in knowledge of God’s will. Gaining Biblical knowledge is key to start a domino effect into Spiritual maturity. Jesus came to give life abundant- overcoming every attempt satan makes to steal, kill, and destroy. Yet, we cannot overcome on empty tanks. We thirst and hunger after God’s righteousness, tasting His goodness. Through Christ’s offer of redemption and forgiveness of sins, we have every opportunity to overcome, stepping into God’s will for our lives.
What is God’s will for your life? No one is too old or too young to seek God for this answer. The more we seek, more of Jesus we find. Honoring Jesus by keeping His commands, we are called friend. How we treat a new/old friend, determines how this friendship grows, same with Jesus. It never happens one- sided, a true friendship takes both activating effort. We can never out give Jesus. Those faithful with little, become trusted with much, utilizing all resources God has available. Ready to believe?
Be encouraged!
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