For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. (Colossians 2:9, 10 NIV)
Motivating Monday! The fullness of the Deity has been given to believers! Believers/Believing- a little vague these days- what do all who claim to be Christians believe? We cannot love God and love the world. When salvation is first ignited- stepping into faith is a learning curve. It’s most important to be in church, aligned with God’s infallible Word- The Bible. Once we begin this journey- hold on tight, learning God’s principles are exhilarating!
First understand- world’s attempt at fun is nothing to God’s joy. The world stresses being a Christian is not fun. Fun times come and go- what we really need is meat to ground daily life. Scripture states- the joy of the Lord, is our strength. What ever curve ball life throws, we know hold strong to joy, unfailing joy will keep us steady.
God’s Will
Second- God’s Will is all positive movements forward. Delays and roadblocks only occur when faith and trust need to catch up with believing. It’s simple to pray God’s Will. Our desire to do God’s will connects with God’s desire to see it happen. The problem is…are we willing to accept God’s Will? Most of the time, God’s will is beyond our finite minds ability to reason. When praying God’s Will and still desiring our own will…we’ve not surrendered, accepting God’s Will. This is an area to be careful to tread in…God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
Third- When living a life of faith- our words begin lining up with God’s Words. Until that point- it’s like a stop and go scenario. Believing all things are possible, believing we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us…there is zero room for doubt and negative words. I want to start a quarter jar in our home for any time a no word is spoken. No words are not, cannot, will not, won’t- these are all stopping words. Dig into scripture and learn all we can to have faith words to speak- this is life changing.
So many thoughts to motivate today, I began with Joy, God’s Will, and faithful Words…all powerful tools to living God’s Will for our lives, living life to the fullest.
Be encouraged!
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