Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV)
Paul’s Thorn…
To keep Paul from being conceited, a thorn was placed in his side, a messenger of satan. After hearing God speak to him, he further increased great revelations- which was reason to keep from being conceited. Therefore, understanding God’s grace is sufficient, His power is made perfect through our weakness.
I’ve been part of a small team of parents repainting our school’s baseball dugouts. With my mother’s yearly painting when I was a child, I should be comfortable painting. However, I missed this blessing. Thankfully, I have been blessed with talented painters over the adult years. Needing advantage of Saturday’s weather, as others were unavailable, I became determined to cut in on letters and symbols outside the dugout. Knowing I lacked painting skills, God quickened my mind to understand a method I felt comfortable trying. I took a sponge brush and with God’s help, he allowed me to succeed. The thought permeating through my mind- God’s power made perfect in my weakness.
This happened to be a painting day, God is willing to help with any of our weaknesses. It is through our weakness that God’s Power is made perfect. Learning to trust Him in small measures, will prepare us for more serious situations.When believing the impossible- we know it’s beyond our abilities. Accepting we are limited without Christ, increases our need to trust God for instructions on moving beyond doubtful situations. Take what looks to be impossible with man and watch God work His power through you- it’s really amazing! God’s grace is most definite- sufficient.
Be encouraged!
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