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Motivated: Seeking…Way, Truth, and Life

Motivated: Seeking...Way, Truth, and LifeJesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” (John 14: 6,7 NIV)

Big Debates

Motivating Monday! Another dialogue between Jesus and his disciples. We receive motivation learning from scripture, developing a softened heart to learn more. There are big debates on the movie, The Shack. The only thing I want to say…it’s fiction. The book is fiction and the movie is a fictitious story. As with any work of fiction, truths are sprinkled as basis for storyline. Books I’ve read have motivated me to learn more about Cedar Keys, FL, areas in Montana, and even intrigued with early days in Alaska. One last week, took me back wondering about pioneer days with Daniel Boone and thinking about my home state, Kentucky. Maybe, the sprinkled truth in this movie will motivate others to church.

The Church

What will people find when entering churches across America? For last several decades, churches have tried making everyone as comfortable as possible, even leaving out convicting sermons. As this happens…less truth is taught. The Holy Spirit grieves its loss in many churches. Less conviction = Increased acceptance of sin. And…is Jesus really the only way? Yes. Shouldn’t all gods be accepted? No. Jesus personally answered the disciples who were not completely grasping point made. Jesus is the way, truth, and life. No one- not anyone, goes to the Father, except through Jesus. He kept explaining, when we they saw Jesus, they were seeing The Father. They are one, along with the gift of The Holy Spirit- The Trinity.


I love studying Peter and John, they both share first hand experiences, stating this is not just a story shared. They interacted and learned through experiences walking with Jesus. We do the same through faith. Building faith as we study scripture and having our own experiences with Jesus, we stay motivated to keep seeking more…more knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Faith, scripture, experiences with Jesus, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom- is an amazing recipe for an abundant life. Let’s stay motivated to keep seeking the way, truth, and life…Jesus. To know Jesus, we are able to go to The Father. To have break throughs and miracles…this is key.

Be encouraged!


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