I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. (John 14:12-14 NIV)
Greatest Potential
Forward Friday! Let’s end the week with words in red. Knowledge straight from Jesus to everyone who reads. If we have faith, knowing even mustard seed sized faith moves mountains, we will follow Jesus’ example. Going from mustard sized faith to greater faith is working towards our greatest potential to complete greater works than Jesus. Living to our greatest potential, really has me thinking. How about you?
Diving or Multiplying?
These thoughts surfaced after talking with a fellow soccer parent with multiple children and injustices we’ve seen over the years. The greatest remorse I see when children are not given opportunity to reach their greatest potential. To have parent coaches with pure hearts seeking to inspire young athletes is a rare treasure to find. This is really not too much different than churches where individuals leave thinking they can start their own church and do better than congregation they’ve left. What really are the motives in this situation? As the pool of players kept dividing by this parent and that parent making sure they coached a team for their child to stand out, which turns out removing players with promising potential. Imagine in both instances, we all work unified promoting every individual’s greatest potential. We would have teams and churches multiplied, not divided- winning, not losing.
Unfulfilled Potential
I fell away from church during my college years. I’m reminded when I think about this time- a young lady in the college class who was a deterrent from my few attempts made to plant my feet. Back then, attending a different denomination was not within my realm of possibility- too bad. Sadly, all the excitement I had about getting involved in a church during this time, left potential unfulfilled.
We can chop young years into what they are- young and inexperienced. Yet, we do not want to look back over our adulthood and see potential unfulfilled. To live by faith, we begin growing in Word knowledge by hearing or studying. Best to study ourselves and then know if Pastors are aligned with God’s Word or not…we can only do what we know. If we are going to do what Jesus did- we have to know what He did. We do this by studying God’s Word.
Moving Forward!
Moving forward, taking time to seek Jesus, ask Him- show our faith moving from small to greater. A very exciting time when this happens. All to build strong foundations to not only stand firm during societal confusion, yet make certain we fulfill our greatest potential.
Be encouraged!
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