So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6 NIV)
May 1st!
Motivating Monday! May Day! May 1, 2017 and thoughts return to my 5th grade year in elementary school. I’m sure we were celebrating arrival of spring. Our teacher, Mrs. Swindler, taught us a May Day dance. This was a celebration I have never forgotten. This year I came to a realization, learning this dance was first glimpse of confidence I had experienced since school began in 1st grade. It was the success with learning this dance, helped set me free from all prior years lacking confidence.
My mom thought I was too little to start kindergarten when time came, and waiting a year she felt I became too big for kindergarten. My birthday was four days away from the cut off date. Skipping kindergarten would be unheard of today, yet, back in the mid-70’s not mandatory. Only it left me very insecure, not having the educational curve everyone else had during kindergarten. Really, it was not the educational aspect I missed right away, it was the kindergarten teacher my classmates loved. However, soon became easy to see I was not at same level. Confidence is a big key to our success. This boost to my confidence found more success in 6th grade- much more if we could have dismissed one class.
When Christ became real to me in Jr. High, my faith increased, confidence in Jesus Christ increased- being insecure disappeared and I became more confident, believing in me. In Christ, we have His powerful watch over our lives. When linked with Jesus, we do not have to be afraid. By studying scripture, we learn experiences leading to life lessons that God chose important to inspire writers to write. I love reading the OT- every point is valid for today. The NT we gain first hand information from people who were there- saw and heard with their own eyes and ears. The confidence we gain from Christ- we apply to all areas in our lives.
Get Ready!
What is your story- when did you first gain confidence? Could insecure feelings still surface? What ever area in our lives…lacking confidence/insecure…through prayer, give to Jesus. He’ll take every weakness and equip us with every good work to complete task given to do. The one class that kept me from the high group in 6th grade- English. And…look what God is doing with me today. All glory to Jesus Christ, Our High King- who is Sovereign over every detail of our lives. Let’s be motivated, this is the same for every believer seeking, all we have to do is start believing and trusting. Get ready though- we are going to move forward!
Be encouraged!
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