And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. (1 Samuel 30:6 ESV)
Forward Friday!
Today, I’m sharing one of my favorite verses, encouraging me through the years. The pressure was building upon David, a fire destroyed Ziklag and their wives, sons, and daughters were taken captive. Scripture says David and his men wept until no strength was left. As life pressed into David, he found strength in the Lord, His God.
This year- 2017 held many sad situations, along with reasons to celebrate…seems to define life. There are times, even if others are trying to provide encouragement, we have to find strength for ourselves. It will not be found in ways of this world- drugs, alcohol, sexual impurities, internet abuse, anger, violence, envy, jealousy, gossiping…oh my! Scripture provides guidelines to keep us from sinning. Truly, seeking the Word, The Bible, for ourselves, is the only way to find strength. If we ask, God will open our minds to understand scripture.
David had built a relationship with God. Over time from being anointed King, and years spent running from Soul’s jealousy, David felt no other than his need to strengthen himself in the Lord, his God. Next to scripture in my Bible, I have written- We always have to encourage ourselves. Seems there is always opponents in the game, called life. Where we definitely win or lose, depending whose team we’re on. The devil has already lost- so joining his team- makes for an automatic disadvantage.
Since David’s time, God sent His one and only son, Jesus to be Savior of the World. Through a virgin birth, Mary and Joseph raised Jesus, until time came to start his ministry. For such a time as this, we are blessed to have scripture available to us, to study- developing spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. It takes commitment and determination to be on God’s winning team. Yet, this is where we can encourage ourselves, finding strength in the Lord, our God. Prayers for peace as we enter Christmas weekend.
Be encouraged!
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