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Steadfast Love, Mercies never ending…Our God

Steadfast Love, Mercies never ending...Our GodThe steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end. (Lamentations 3:22 ESV)

Motivating Monday!

What comes to mind when seeing a person smoking next to a gas pump? Last night while we were pumping gas, a worker sweeping doing so two feet away. I just want to scream, “What are you doing?” Then wonder…do they have any sense. Kinda like I want to do with people who claim to be a Christian, dismissing God’s Word. Both situations are extremely dangerous.


Compassion and mercy fail to come natural, however, through God transforming my heart…I accept my shortcomings and become compassionate and merciful. Even though those thoughts came to me, I took captive and never would say to a person. This does not make sin acceptable, it softens hearts to trust when God’s Word is discussed.


God’s love is steadfast. When something is resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering as steadfast is defined, we can trust God’s love. His mercy is like an extra bonus. It’s like discussing reason for filling out an honor roll sheet, defining A or B honor roll. It’s an honor, accepting one’s hard work being rewarded with recognition. The reason why we want to do good, it’s pleasing in God’s sight.


The book of Lamentations is written by one, possibly Jeremiah, grieving the great loss of Jerusalem. The Babylonian army destroyed and burned key buildings, taking survivors into exile. Why? Sin. Even though, God allowed this to happen, the author never doubted God’s justice. Hope began taking place in his heart, trusting God’s steadfast love and great compassion. God’s mercies never come to an end.


Amazing! Three days left in January, hard to believe all taken place this month. We need hope of this amazing love, steadfast love of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Can we even imagine- mercies never coming to an end? God’s character so giving…so willing. Let’s be motivated to display same character through us…compassion and mercy. Watch and see the difference this makes.

Be encouraged!



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