If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. (John 15:19 ESV)
Motivating Monday!
Open your Bibles to John 15 and read words written in red, the entire chapter. Jesus’ very words, powerful encouragement today. Life lessons are tough, and especially challenging for teenagers. Raising children serious about living for Christ, studying God’s Word, trusting Jesus- makes friendship with Jesus, an enemy to the world. How will anyone recognize a believer…if, living like the world, loved by the world?
Remember…Head and shoulders, knees and toes…the world’s pre-school song. I’m not saying this is bad. However, God’s way is ears, eyes, heart, and soul. Ears we hear, eyes we see, hearts softened to understand, and souls- depth of our beings, establishing eternal destination. As I shared with my child, those in the world, do not have the Holy Spirit’s conviction to discern good/evil. Children more than not, pattern life choices after their parents. Parents are either firmly standing on God’s Word or unstable, either way- a child’s footing is developed.
Jesus chooses believers out of the world. Sadly, many resist Him, deceived by the world. He understands, stating the world first hated Him. Gaining Biblical knowledge, transformed hearts and minds like Christ, we learn to love like Christ loves, unconditional. When others mock, Jesus was mocked first. When close friends choose the world, we’re not shaken- keep loving like Christ loves. Let Christ work in their lives, He is full of love, grace, and mercy. Let’s encourage ourselves, our children…gaining Christ-like character keeps us motivated, staying focused on task at hand, excelling in all areas of life. We choose not to react, keeping kindness at the front of our minds. Genuine kindness can only happen if rooted in love. A friend of God? or A friend of the world? We must choose.
Be encouraged!
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