Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:4, 23-24 ESV)
Forward Friday!
The heart of a shepherd boy, King David. A man after God’s own heart, even with known sin he had to repent. This makes me think about John McCain, who held the nations’ respect until a feud began and impacted our entire country- where many believe- across all social economics statuses, Obama Care is a failure and could have been voted out. One vote impacted and will be forever remembered. You have a right to disagree.
What we cannot disagree on is the fact: there is only one way to everlasting, Jesus Christ. Our entire beings impact ways we respond to situations…our hearts, creating anxious thoughts, words forming in our minds and external reasons. This process demands all our attentions over time. The problem…how do we overcome poor reactions? The answer is easier said than done.
We seek The Lord with a heart ready to surrender. Once this happens, Word knowledge begins, learning how God loves us- Psalm 139, please read today. Someone needs to know how much we matter to God. It’s not just one segment of population- as the self-righteous believe, God sent His Son, Jesus. He was born through a virgin birth, raised to become Savior of the World. Before a word is on our tongues…God already knows. We learn to guard our hearts as our mouths. Yes, even seasoned Believers can slip and talk when we shouldn’t.
The Lord knows this to be true of me. So…search me, O God, see if there is any offensive way in me- which is hard in a day- being a Believer is offensive to many, especially to those who know God’s Word and chooses sin. God’s Word helps us through sin’s battle, which sadly…when justifying one’s sin is a complete loss. To win the battle…go to God’s Word…All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16 ESV) I’ve been in situations- how about you, where it has only been going to scripture, breaks the devil’s grip trying to bound.
God’s Word is this powerful- much more. It’s sharper than a double- edged sword. We will never have strength on our own. The way to everlasting begins with accepting Jesus as Savior, and studying scripture to know paths that lead to God’s righteousness or devil’s curse. God’s way light, the devil’s way dark- oh it looks like fun in the beginning…only to become very dark. Let’s move forward choosing light…accepting Jesus.
Be encouraged!
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